Building an MVP with Elixir: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you an aspiring developer with a great product idea but don't know how to bring it to life?


Why Elixir?

Elixir is a functional programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine. It is known for its scalability, fault-tolerance, and concurrency capabilities. These features make Elixir an excellent choice for building robust and reliable applications. Additionally, Elixir's syntax is elegant and easy to read, making it a joy to work with.

Getting Started with Elixir

Before we delve into building an MVP, let's set up our local development environment. Start by installing Elixir and Erlang using Homebrew and asdf. These tools will ensure that you have the latest versions of Elixir and Erlang installed on your machine.

Once you have Elixir and Erlang installed, it's time to set up your code editor. Install the necessary VSCode extensions for Elixir to enhance your development experience. These extensions provide features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging tools.

Building Your MVP

Now that our development environment is ready, let's start building our MVP. In this course, we will be using Phoenix, a web framework for Elixir, to create our application. Phoenix provides a solid foundation for building scalable and high-performance web applications.

Part 1: Creating Our First Phoenix Application and Adding User Authentication

To begin, we will create our first Phoenix application and add user authentication. User authentication is a crucial component of any web application, as it allows users to securely access their accounts. We will leverage the power of Phoenix to handle user registration, login, and password management.

Part 2: Integrating a Checkout System with LemonSqueezy

Next, we will integrate a checkout system using LemonSqueezy. LemonSqueezy is a payment processing library for Elixir that makes it easy to add secure and seamless payment functionality to our application. With LemonSqueezy, users can make payments and complete transactions with ease.

Part 3: Rapid Prototyping with Tailwind and TailwindUI

To enhance the user experience, we will utilize Tailwind and TailwindUI for rapid prototyping. Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that allows us to quickly style our application. TailwindUI provides pre-designed components that we can easily integrate into our project, saving us time and effort.

Part 4: Generating Content with ChatGPT

Content is king in the digital world, and we want to ensure that our application has engaging and relevant content. We will use ChatGPT, a powerful language model, to generate content for our application. ChatGPT can generate human-like responses, making our application more interactive and engaging for users.

Part 5: Security with Burpsuite

Security is a top priority when building any application. We will explore how to hack and secure our app using Burpsuite, a web application security testing tool. By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities, we can ensure that our application is safe from potential threats.

Part 6: Adding Visual Appeal with Free Illustrations

To add visual appeal to our application, we will incorporate free illustrations from DrawKit and undraw. These illustrations will enhance the overall design and user experience of our MVP.

Deploying Your Product

Once our MVP is ready, it's time to deploy it to the web. We will use, a platform for deploying and scaling applications, to host our application. provides a seamless deployment experience and ensures that our application is highly available and performant.

Additionally, we will integrate user analytics using provides simple and privacy-focused analytics that give us valuable data about our users' interactions with our application.

Furthermore, we will set up a mailing service using Mailgun. Mailgun allows us to send transactional emails to our users, keeping them informed about important updates and events.

To automate the deployment process, we will create a continuous deployment pipeline from GitHub. This pipeline will automatically build and deploy our application whenever changes are pushed to our GitHub repository. This ensures that our application is always up to date and reflects the latest changes.

Learning the Theory

Throughout this course, we will also cover the fundamental concepts of Phoenix and LiveView. We will explore how Phoenix handles requests, how LiveView updates the website without reloading, and how the Phoenix folder structure works. Understanding these concepts will give us a solid foundation for building scalable and efficient applications with Elixir.


Congratulations! By following this comprehensive guide, you have learned how to build an MVP with Elixir. From setting up your development environment to deploying your product, you now have the knowledge and tools to bring your product idea to life. Elixir's scalability, fault-tolerance, and concurrency capabilities, combined with the power of Phoenix and other libraries, make it a compelling choice for building robust and reliable applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is this course for?

This course is designed for new developers who want to learn how to build their first Elixir application. It is also suitable for developers new to Elixir who want to get up to speed with the language. Additionally, experienced developers who want to deploy a product and learn about monetization strategies will find value in this course.

2. What topics are covered in the course?

The course covers a wide range of topics, including setting up the development environment, building a Phoenix application, adding user authentication, integrating a checkout system, using Tailwind and TailwindUI for rapid prototyping, generating content with ChatGPT, securing the application with Burpsuite, incorporating free illustrations, deploying the product to, implementing user analytics with, setting up a mailing service using Mailgun, and creating a continuous deployment pipeline from GitHub.

3. Is this course suitable for experienced Elixir developers?

Yes, this course is beneficial for experienced Elixir developers who want to learn about deploying a product and monetization strategies. It provides insights into integrating various services and tools to enhance the functionality and user experience of their applications.

4. Does this course cover the theoretical aspects of Phoenix and LiveView?

Yes, the course includes an overview of the theoretical aspects of Phoenix and LiveView. It explains how Phoenix handles requests, how LiveView updates the website without reloading, and provides insights into the Phoenix folder structure. This knowledge will help developers understand the underlying principles and make informed decisions when building their applications.

5. What does this course not cover?

While this course provides a solid foundation for building Elixir applications, it is not a deep dive into the technical aspects of Elixir, Phoenix, or Phoenix LiveView. It focuses on practical implementation and recommendations rather than exhaustive technical details.

Ready to start building your MVP with Elixir? Click here to access the course and embark on your journey to product development success!

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